Universal Design in Transport

Room 4

Wednesday 13.30 – 15.00

(S) Cost-benefit appraisal of universal design in public transport and walking/cycling infrastructure
by Nils Fearnley and Knut Veisten

You are in a different world if you have a disability
by Josephine Rees

(S) Quantifying benefits of universal design in public transport
by Knut Veisten, Stefan Flügel and Nils Fearnley

Are we leaving some people behind?
by Lars E Olsson

Navigating Inclusivity: A Case Study of Accessibility in Oslo’s Public Transport Support Systems
by Bineeth Kuriakose and Frode Eika Sandnes

Wednesday 15.30 – 17.00

Essential accessibility information of travel chains for everyone
by Atte Partanen

Accessibility information in Ruter app
by Wenche Pedersen

by TBA

by TBA

by TBA