Scientific projects in the IOS press publication is marked in light blue and (S)
Room 5
Wednesday 13.30 – 15.00
Universal Design of the University of Galway Campus: Micro level actions in the built environment
by Deirdre McHugh and Imelda Byrne
Teaching Universal Design – Course Design and Key Components
by Karina Goransson, Mikael Becker, Johanna Hellstrom and Per-Olof Hedvall
(S) The Digital School – Can Everyone Participate on Equal Terms?
by Brynhild Runa Sterri and Malin Rygg
(S) Empowering a Universal Design Course for the Built Environment: exploring learning experiences through an interdisciplinary, multicultural and civic approach
by Elke Ielegems, Annemie Spooren, Eva Delooz and Jan Vanrie
Establishing best practices in digital learning materials through standardisation in Norway
by Yngvar Nordberg, Vegard Østhagen and Haakon Heyerdahl
Wednesday 15.30 – 17.00
Scaling New Heights in Ireland: ALTITUDE The National Charter for Universal Design in Irish Tertiary Education
by Maureen Haran and Dara Ryder
Unlocking Access: Prioritising Video Captioning in Norwegian Higher Education
by Dagfinn Rømen, Kjetil Andreas Knarlag, Elinor Jeanette Olaussen and Hanne Kristin Berg
(S) Universal Design in University Environments. Are the new buildings more inclusive? A tool for equal design assessment
by Erica Isa Mosca, Giulia Crotti, Maddalena Buffoli and Stefano Capolongo
Can we do Universal design in education differently? – a new interdisciplinary
Scholarship on universal design
Panel led by Camilla Ryhl
Thursday 11.00 – 12.30
Universal Design in Education (UDE) A View through the Student Lens
by Donal Fitzpatrick, Gerald Craddock and James Hubbard
UD2Care: A Multidisciplinary Intensive Program to Introduce Higher Education Students to Universal Design
by Erwin Vanroye and Jan Vanrie
(S) Should Student Coursework be Universally Designed? Universal Design Requirements may prevent Academic Cheating
Panel led by Frode Eika Sandnes
Thursday 15.30 – 17.00
AccessCoVE – a new European Centre for Vocational Excellence in Accessibility
by Jan Gulliksen, Sofia Strömqvist, Ali Mohamed and Masood Rangraz
Innovative accessibility expert training for persons with disabilities based on personal experiences
by Susanna Laurin and Sara Kjellstrand
The Universal Design Living Lab as an Authentic Learning Environment: 10 years of Educational Experiences
by Jan Vanrie and Erwin Vanroye
Developing an interdisciplinary research field in universal design what is the potential?
Panel led by Camilla Ryhl